The NJ law firm of LoFaro & Reiser, LLP represents individuals charged with indictable crimes, misdemeanors, ordinance violations, traffic and municipal court offenses including DWI, reckless driving, driving while suspended, and other quasi-criminal offenses.
Under New Jersey law, the county prosecutor functions as the chief law enforcement officer for the county. Each county prosecutor is charged with the obligation to use all reasonable and lawful diligence in the detection, arrest, indictment and conviction of people who violate the criminal laws of New Jersey.
New Jersey has a total of 21 counties, with each county having its own designated prosecutor. Below are links to each NJ County Prosecutor’s website.
To browse for additional New Jersey legal and law-related links, please return to our resources page. Know of a good resource that we should list? Please contact our New Jersey law firm today and let us know.
For emergent matters, please call us at (201) 870-4938
Awards: Best Law Firms Metro Region New Jersey • New Jersey Super Lawyers • Best Lawyers in America • 201 Bergen Magazine • Avvo Top 10 Lawyer
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