New Jersey Appellate Division Endorses ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ Response to Public Records Request
NJ OPRA Request Exemption Recognized by NJ Appeals Court
Striking a blow to news media, and representing a victory for privacy advocates, in a landmark ruling the New Jersey Appellate Division denied the Bergen Record Newspaper's Open Public Records Act ("OPRA") request directed to the Bergen County Prosecutor demanding access to records concern...
Tagged in: exemption to disclosure of public records New Jersey, Exemption to producing public records under NJ OPRA, Freedom of the Press, neither confirm nor deny, New Jersey media lawyer, New Jersey media lawyers, NJ media attorney, NJ media attorneys, NJ media law, NJ OPRA Laws, NJ OPRA Request, Open Public Records Act Request NJ, OPRA, public records laws New Jersey, Public Records Reqest New Jersey
Effect Of Bankruptcy Discharge On Creditor’s Standing To Sue Transferee Under New Jersey’s Fraudulent Transfer Act
Picture this scenario: A debtor transfers his assets to his wife to avoid a creditor's judgment. The debtor then discharges the creditor's judgment in a chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Can the creditor independently sue the debtor's wife under New Jersey’s Fraudulent Transfer Act (“NJUFTA”), N.J.S.A. 25:2-20 et seq., to avoid the asset transfer e...
Tagged in: bankruptcy discharge fraudulent transfer, credit claim against transferee, extinguish debt to sue fraudulent transfer, fraudulent conveyance attorney nj, fraudulent transfer assets standing to sue nj, fraudulent transfer attorneys nj, fraudulent transfer transferee nj, N.J.S.A. 25:2-1(b), n.j.s.a. 25:2-20, new jersey uniform fraudulent transfer act, njufta
New NJ Supreme Court Justice Confirmed
Earlier today, the New Jersey Senate unanimously approved Faustino Fernandez-Vina, Governor Chris Christie's appointment to the New Jersey State Supreme Court. Fernandez-Vina, who was born in Cuba and immigrated to the U.S. as a child, will be the second Hispanic justice on New Jersey's highest court, Justice Ariel A. Rodriguez being the other. ...