Business Divorce Attorney Practice Points
Like married couples, business partners sometimes go through divorces. Whether there are allegations of minority oppression, embezzlement, fraud or simply the parties can no longer work together, as attorneys, we must quickly identify the pertinent legal issues at hand in order to guide our clients through this confusing and often complicated pro...
Tagged in: business divorce, business divorce new jersey, business divorce new jersey attorneys, Minority Oppressed Shareholder Disputes New Jersey, minority shareholder oppression, new jersey corporate derivative attorneys, New Jersey Partnership Dispute Attorneys, NJ corporate dispute attorneys, Oppressed Member LLC New Jersey, order to show cause injunctive relief, partnership dispute
Important Changes In Limited Liability Company Governance Under The Revised New Jersey Limited Liability Company Act
Effective April 1, 2014, all limited liability companies ("LLCs") formed in New Jersey will be governed by the Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, N.J.S.A. 42:2C-1 through N.J.S.A. 42:2C-17 (the “Revised Act”). The Revised Act became effective as to newly formed LLCs on March 18, 2013. Starting on April 1, 2014, the Revised Act app...